Bee Sober CIC

In a world where social pressures and drinking culture can be overwhelming. We believe that everyone who chooses not to drink deserves to feel normal and supported. That’s why we have created the ultimate Sober Community that brings together everything you need to love and embrace a sober lifestyle. At Bee Sober, we understand the challenges you face and we are here to help. Whether you are seeking a safe space to explore life without a drink, a place to find your tribe where you truly belong, or a platform to grow your own network of like-minded individuals in your area, Bee Sober is the place for you. Our community is designed to fully understand and cater to who you are and what you need. Our mission is simple: to make it normal and easy for everyone to enjoy life without the need for alcohol. As a non-profit organisation, Bee Sober is committed to reinvesting any surplus income into recovery provisions, ensuring that our community thrives and continues to make a positive impact.

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