It’s back ! Yes the UK Gossip Girls Christmas Lunch is back for 2022 and we can’t wait for you to join us and celebrate us all being in business for another year .
This year we are at the gorgeous new function suite at The Crown Hawk Green.
Your ticket price will include a festive 2 course meal and a glass of fizz on arrival to get us in the mood to party , this is the perfect event for small business owners and many of us now consider this our Christmas “Office Party”.
We will have spot prizes, festive food, fizz and lots of fun and laughter , we do hope to see as many of you as possible so reserve your space today as places are limited !
Payment is via Bank Transfer to :
UK Gossip Girls Networking Ltd
01 08 38
To reserve a place payment must be made in full, please e-mail us at christmas@ukgossipgirls.co.uk to confirm you have paid and any dietary requirements
UK Gossip Girls Networking Ltd
01 08 38
To reserve a place payment must be made in full, please e-mail us at christmas@ukgossipgirls.co.uk to confirm you have paid and any dietary requirements
Tickets are not transferable. Please contact UK Gossip Girls for a refund .
If UK Gossip Girls for any reason has to cancel you will receive a full refund